Rapenburg Plaza

Location Theater – Dido & Aeneas


Purcell’s world-renowned opera is brought to you by KunstKlank in a new, quirky version on the Noorderbeach.
One of the extraordinary things about this opera is of course the location; The beach, the sea with it’s great waves and there by the setting sun form a enchanting decor, which is different every night and yet the same. The great passion between Dido and Aeneas is sung in Dutch, Baroque arias, Jazz melodies and in Portuguese Fado songs, which make it an opera for opera lovers and opera haters.

Dido has to flee her country after her brother has killed her rich man and also wants to kill her. After many wanderings, she gets enough land through a ruse to build her own town.
Thousands of miles away from Dido’s city, Aeneas, army captain, is defeated and forced to leave his city. Aeneas’ wife dies at the battle for the city.
Together with his son and the last inhabitants Aeneas flees. The ship with Aeneas and his son suffers a shipwreck at the town of Dido. Aeneas and Dido see each other and their love grows for each other.
But then Aeneas must choose between Dido and the last inhabitants who will go down without his guidance.

  • Opening night: 14 juli 2017, Noorderstrand – Noordwijk
  • Solists: Marjolein Niels, Henk Neven & Amaryllis Dieltiens
  • Staging: Margrith Vrenegoor
  • Musical Staging: Herma van Piekeren
  • Choreography: Jeanine Coco en Rafaël Zielinski
  • Costume Design: Annelies de Ridder
  • Light and Set Design: Tom Verheijen Rapenburg Plaza
  • Assistent Lighting Design: Eli van Hooff